So Funny Tea Came out my Nose!
So I was walking out of Marvelous Market drinking some ice tea muy delicioso, and I saw a guy in the passenger seat of a passing car pull the most classic move: the thing where you bite down on your lower lip, close your eyes, and do the big vertical arm-and-fist-pump while hissing "yyyyyeessss!!!" really loudly.
When I saw the guy do it -- and i'm telling you, he was serious -- i shot a short, painful blast of iced tea out my nose. A lotta people saw me do it, but I'm sure none of them knew why it had happened.
Honestly though, I needed that. Yesterday only kicked medium amounts of ass, far lower than the quotient of ass that I was expecting to kick. I had this big client meeting that I ended up having to do solo, which wasn't such a hot idea; and I left feeling a little like I just got mugged by a pack of roving lawyers. You know something, that's not so much a simile as it's a description of exactly what happened. It wasn't a disaster or anything, it just felt like I had no bargaining room even though I knew that wasn't true. I suppose that as I get more experience with this kind of thing, I won't end up leaving client meetings having paid THEM for their time. Just frustrating, is all.
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